Due to the usual tear and wear of the refractory block during regular operation, and very often also due to damage caused by improper operation or the failure to carry out regular maintenance work, the condition of the refractory brickwork deteriorates and the following problems can occur:
- Damage to the oven chamber refractory brickwork, such as spalling, cracks, deformed and/or collapsed brickwork, which could cause problems during operation (coking process, machine operation, emissions)
- Leaks from the coke oven chamber into the heating walls due to cracks, leaky joints and damage to the brickwork increase emissions and change the heat distribution and combustion
The renewal of heating wall refractories requires special repair techniques and experience in all regards (engineering, material supply, construction work and heating control) as the remaining part of the battery must be kept hot and the new brickwork must be integrated into the existing brickwork.
The scope of renewal must be defined based on the condition of the coke oven battery and the location of the main damage, for example :
- Full renewal of heating walls (throughwall repair)
- Renewal of heating wall end flues (end flue repair)
- Renewal of regenerator walls and corbel areas during wall repairs
- Renewal of the oven top refractories (oven top repair)
- Renewal of regenerator internals (re-checkering)
Your advantages
- Prolongation of the life cycle of a battery
- Repair during operation of the battery (hot repair)
- Minimum production loss
- Recovery of the battery performance